Why Companies choose to Outsource NOC Services?

A company’s network is the heart of all their communication, data storage, and various other day to day functions. Due to this, it is imperative to ensure that a company’s network experiences as little downtime, as possible. Some companies have an in-house IT department, but this can be an added expense for a company, especially one that has a large network. Most in-house technicians are trained to troubleshoot issues once something happens. They are not trained to spot malicious attacks on networks. However, there is another solution.

A NOC can provide more services overall that most regular in-house technicians. Plus, they can provide technical monitoring and support of a network system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They provide all kinds of services to help keep a company’s network running properly, and here are a few things that make having an NOC important.

NOC Services a Necessity For Companies

    1. NOC Technicians Help Manage Updates for Mac and Windows

      Companies have different preferences in the types of machines that they run. It is hard to find IT technicians that are experts in both types of machines. However, with a Network Operations Center, their technicians are equipped with the knowledge to keep Mac and Windows machines in optimal condition. They understand that it is crucial for machines to be updated to the latest versions, in order to be protected. Therefore, NOC technicians keep a close eye on a company’s network and ensures that all their machines and network are updated as soon as one is released. This saves a lot of time and money, and it keeps the company’s normal staff in having to worry about updating their machines on their own or loosing important data due current updates not being in place on all company machines.

    2. A NOC are Able to Keep Other Aspects of a Network in Optimal Condition

      Other than keeping Mac and Windows updates current, NOC technicians understand and are trained to recognize other types of software and systems that need to be updated. For instance, they ensure that the company’s antivirus software is always up to date, which helps in keeping malicious software from infecting a company’s network, which could cause severe outages. They are also capable of restarting applications and services from their location.

      This sometimes assists in correcting minor malfunctions that office personnel are not aware of or are experiencing, during their daily tasks. They can remotely reboot resources needed, and they are capable checking backup systems to ensure that all the company’s data is safe and secure, if the network ever experiences a severe outage.

NOC Monitor Systems 24/7

  1. A NOC have the Experts to Monitor Systems 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

    With a NOC, like ExterNetworks, companies can feel secure that not only are their networks being monitored throughout the day, but they are being monitored by highly-trained professional engineers live. They keep a constant eye on network systems to ensure that they are performing at optimal levels and for any compliance or trend issues that might need attention. Any NOC engineer is capable of monitoring multiple devices at a time, which helps with proficiency, and it allows them to receive and review any alerts that occur in the system.

    In the event of any recurring problems, NOC professionals conduct root cause analysis to ensure that these problems are handled and help come up with solutions to fix them permanently. They keep run books of all mutually agreed processes, and they can open carrier/vendor tickets, when necessary, to help with future follow ups. For companies that have an internal IT department, NOC technicians and engineers are also able to escalate issues that are physical on the company network.

Overall, NOC Support is necessary for companies, because they provide all the monitoring and support a company needs for their network. Their efforts are essential to ensure that networks run properly and are fixed in a timely fashion. They are constantly running analysis on networks and logging any discrepancies that might be causing random issues to help stop them in the long-run.