Domain Fronting: Understanding the Tactics Behind Web Evasion


In an increasingly connected world, online privacy and security have become major concerns. Have you ever heard of domain fronting? It’s a technique used to bypass censorship and surveillance, but it’s also a controversial topic that has sparked debates among experts.

With governments and organizations constantly monitoring online activities, many individuals and companies are looking for ways to protect their privacy and maintain anonymity online. Domain fronting has emerged as a method to achieve this, allowing users to disguise their internet traffic and access blocked online content.

While domain fronting may offer some advantages for those seeking privacy, it also raises ethical and legal questions. As more people become aware of this technique, it’s important to understand both its benefits and potential risks.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of domain fronting, exploring its uses, controversies, and implications for online privacy and network security.

What is Domain Fronting?

Domain fronting is a technique used to bypass internet censorship and hide the true destination of network connections. It allows clients to connect to a front domain, which then forwards the connection to the legitimate domain or application’s actual infrastructure. This enables users to access blocked content or services by making it appear as though their application traffic is directed toward an innocuous or unrestricted domain.

Domain fronting works by taking advantage of the way network connections are established. When a client makes a request to a domain, it first communicates with the front domain, which acts as a proxy, forwarding the connection to the desired destination. This technique makes it difficult for censors to identify and block specific applications or services, as the actual target is concealed behind a legitimate domain name.

However, domain fronting has limitations and controversies. Some hosting providers and content delivery networks (CDNs) have disabled domain fronting, making it challenging to implement.

Despite its endurance as a circumvention technique, domain fronting is often viewed with skepticism due to its potential misuse.

It operates by utilizing legitimate domain names to hide the actual target, making it challenging for censors to identify and block specific applications or services.

When a client wants to communicate with a particular domain, it initiates three types of requests: DNS, HTTP, and TLS. The DNS request is sent to resolve the domain name to an IP address. Then, an HTTP request is made to establish a connection with the front domain acting as a proxy server. Finally, a TLS connection is established to secure the communication between the client and the destination domain.

The purpose of domain fronting is to bypass restrictions and censorship imposed by governments or organizations. By making the network traffic appear as if it is directed toward legitimate domain, domain-fronting enables covert communication through domain-fronted HTTPS requests.

How Does Domain Front Work?

This technique involves posing as another legitimate user outside the region where censorship is active. When someone attempts to access the online resource, they would first make a DNS request which converts the website domain into its IP address to reach the website’s server.

The CDN provider would then route the request through one of its proxy servers located in different parts of the world, making it appears to have been sent from another geographic region. The CDNs are oblivious and unaware that they are being fooled by an attacker posing as an authorized user on legitimate sites, which allows them to successfully bypass local restrictions set up by the regional government and receive content not ordinarily accessible within their geographical area.


How to Use Domain Fronting

To use domain fronting as a means to circumvent network restrictions and hide the true destination of your communication, follow these steps:

  1. Select a legitimate domain: Choose a domain that is widely trusted and unlikely to be blocked or flagged as suspicious. This domain will act as a front for your actual target destination.
  2. Set up a proxy server: Configure a server that will act as an intermediary between your client device and the destination domain. This server will receive requests and forward them on your behalf, masking the true destination of the communication.
  3. Establish a connection through domain fronting: Send an HTTP request to the front domain, using its domain name in the host header. This will make the request appear as if it is directed towards the front domain rather than the actual target domain.
  4. Utilize the proxy server: The proxy server, upon receiving the request, will extract the true destination from the host header and establish a connection with the intended domain. It will then relay the data between your client device and the destination domain, effectively hiding the true destination from any network monitoring or censorship systems.

How to Prevent Domain-Fronting Attacks

While it can be employed for legitimate purposes, there is a risk that it can also be exploited for malicious activities. Firewalls with Threat Prevention can now detect domain fronting, a TLS evasion technique that can bypass URL filtering databases and enable data exfiltration.

Installing a proxy server and configuring it to intercept all TLS communications is an effective way to prevent domain fronting attacks. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

  1. Choose a suitable proxy server software and install it on the server that will act as the intermediary between the user’s device and the internet connection.
  2. Configure the proxy server to intercept all TLS communications, which involves enabling the server to act as a man-in-the-middle (MITM).
  3. Generate a trusted SSL certificate for the proxy server to ensure that the intercepted traffic remains secure. This certificate will be used to authenticate the proxy server to the users.
  4. Set up the proxy server to examine the HTTP host header of each incoming request. This step is crucial to prevent domain-fronting attacks. The proxy server should compare the host header with the actual destination HTTPS server for each request. If they do not match, the request should be blocked or rerouted to prevent domain fronting.
  5. Regularly update the proxy server software and SSL certificates to ensure that any known vulnerabilities or weaknesses are patched.

Avoid Dangling DNS Entries

One crucial step to address the issue of dangling DNS entries is to regularly sanitize your DNS records. Dangling DNS entries are outdated or orphaned entries that can cause various problems, such as directing traffic to invalid or non-existent resources.

To achieve this, it is recommended to use a DNS monitoring tool. These tools automate the process of scanning your DNS records and identifying non-active or dangling entries. They can help you identify entries that have become obsolete due to changes in your network or infrastructure.

By regularly using a DNS monitoring tool, you can easily identify and remove these dangling DNS entries, reducing the chances of directing traffic to invalid resources. This proactive approach ensures that your DNS records are clean and reliable, preventing potential issues or conflicts that may arise from outdated entries.

Adopt Code Signing

Adopting code signing is of utmost importance for securing your domain and resources in DNS records. Code signing involves digitally signing software or scripts with a unique cryptographic signature, which verifies the integrity and authenticity of the code.

The digital signature acts as a seal of approval, providing users with the confidence that the code comes from a trusted source.

One of the primary benefits of code signing is its ability to assure users of the integrity of the software they are downloading. When a user encounters a digitally signed code, their operating system or browser checks the digital signature against the code’s original signature. If the signatures match, it confirms that the code has not been modified or tampered with since it was signed.

Code signing also helps in establishing the authenticity of the code by verifying the identity of the code’s publisher or developer.

Compliance standards such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and ISO 27001 often require the use of code signing to ensure the integrity and authenticity of software. It establishes a chain of trust, assures users of the code’s integrity, and helps meet compliance standards. By digitally signing your code, you can enhance the security of your domain and provide users with confidence in the software they download.

Analysis of Domain Fronting Technique

Misuse and Evasion Techniques with CDNs

In this analysis, we will explore the misuse and evasion techniques associated with domain fronting, particularly when implemented with CDNs. We will delve into how this technique can be used to circumvent restrictions and examine the potential implications for security and privacy.

With cybersecurity threats constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, it is crucial to implement robust strategies to protect user data and privacy.

Securing users not only safeguards their personal information but also helps establish trust and credibility with customers. By investing in the necessary security measures, organizations can ensure that their users’ sensitive data, such as financial information and personal credentials, is well-protected. This includes using encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and regular security audits.

Some CDNs have disabled support for Domain Fronting as they were used for serving malicious content. Users expect a smooth and reliable experience when accessing digital resources, whether it’s through a desktop, mobile device, or cloud-based platform. Organizations must prioritize the deployment of secure applications and data management systems to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Secure applications and data enhance user experience, boost productivity, and foster customer loyalty. In today’s competitive landscape, organizations that can seamlessly deliver secure and reliable access to applications and data will have an edge over their competitors.

Secure Your Workloads

By following these steps, you can strengthen the security of your workloads and mitigate potential threats.

Build and Run Secure Cloud Apps: When developing your cloud applications, prioritize security from the ground up. This includes implementing secure coding practices, employing encryption protocols, and regularly updating and patching your applications. Additionally, consider adopting a secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) framework to identify and address security vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Enable Zero Trust Cloud Connectivity: Zero trust is an approach that assumes no trust in any user, device, or network. Implementing zero trust architecture for your cloud connectivity ensures that only authorized users and devices can access your workloads. This can be achieved through techniques such as multi-factor authentication, role-based access controls, and continuous monitoring of user activity.

Protect Workloads from Data Center to Cloud: Safeguarding workloads involves securing your infrastructure and network connections. One effective method is code signing, which verifies the authenticity and integrity of software by digitally signing it with a unique cryptographic signature. This ensures that only trusted code is executed, mitigating the risk of malicious software or unauthorized modifications.

Adopt a Proxy Server: A proxy server acts as an intermediary between users and the internet. By routing network traffic through a proxy server, you can add an additional layer of security. The proxy server can inspect and filter incoming and outgoing traffic, block malicious requests, and provide access controls to further protect your workloads.

Secure Your IoT and OT

When it comes to the security of IoT and Operational Technology (OT) devices, it is crucial to implement robust measures to protect against unauthorized access and potential cyber attacks. One effective approach is to provide zero trust connectivity for these devices and ensure secure remote access to Operational Technology systems.

Zero trust connectivity works on the principle of assuming no trust in any user, device, or network. By implementing this concept, organizations can establish stringent access controls and authentication mechanisms to verify the identity of devices and users before granting them access to IoT and Operational Technology (OT) systems.

Securing remote access to OT systems is equally important, as it allows authorized personnel to manage and monitor critical infrastructures, even when they are not physically present. Organizations can ensure that only authenticated and authorized individuals can access and control OT systems by implementing secure remote access solutions.

How Do CDNs Fit in Domain Fronting?

CDNs are widely used by websites and applications to distribute content to users across geographically dispersed locations, ensuring faster and more reliable access.

In domain fronting, CDNs act as intermediaries between the user and the intended destination server. When a user sends a request, the front-facing CDN server receives it and examines the host header, which contains the domain name of the requested website. Instead of forwarding the request directly to the proper destination, domain fronting leverages the CDN’s ability to handle multiple domains to route the traffic through a legitimate port. Domain fronting leverages the advanced security of HTTPS to be successful. Since HTTPS is encrypted, it can bypass security protocols without detection.

Blocking popular content delivery networks is economically, politically, and diplomatically infeasible for most censors. This allows users to access online, actual content or services that may be censored or blocked by authorities or organizations. Censorship attempts are bypassed as the requests are made to the CDN’s domain, which appears legitimate traffic.

Geo-Blocking is the technology that restricts access to Internet content based on the user’s geographical location. The ability to route traffic through legitimate domains plays a crucial role in the endurance of domain fronting. The CDN acts as a frontend server, receiving user requests on behalf of various websites.


By routing requests through the CDN’s domain, users can access sites and services that may be otherwise blocked or censored. Additionally, organizations can implement secure remote access solutions and zero trust connectivity for IoT and OT devices in order to protect against unauthorized access and potential cyber attacks.

Domain fronting is a method that allows malicious actors to use legitimate or high-reputation domains to go undetected by defenders. This means that a legitimate site hosted on a CDN can be used by bad actors to access other sites once a TLS connection is established.

Unfortunately, the owners of reputable sites have no control over their hostnames being abused in this way. Additionally, the hosts of these reputable sites may not even be aware of the abuse, as the HTTPS traffic logs will be associated with the bad actor’s account.

Some CDN vendors have implemented measures to block domain fronting on their infrastructure, while others are still vulnerable to exploitation. One effective way to protect against domain fronting in an enterprise organization is to implement a cloud-based SWG (Secure Web Gateway) service with unlimited TLS interception capacity.

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